The benefits of maintaining your dirt track with Track Tech Concepts' Cracker-Blade System include:

  • Assured multi-lane racing conditions for every event
  • A smoother, more reliable racing surface
  • Subsurface rocks remain locked in the hard sub-base
  • Virtual elimination of track related dust
  • Significantly reduced track preparation cost
  • Substantially fewer labor hours are necessary
  • Lower fuel expense
  • Reduced watering
  • Less equipment wear & tear

Additionally, when using the Cracker-Blade System:

- Total weekly maintenance on the 3/8-1/2 mile test tracks was reduced to JUST 4 to 6 HOURS on a race day.

- The track is leveled, eliminating windrows and shingling.

- Typical water usage during a bone-dry August was reduced to 12,000 gallons, which is less than 50% of the amount used prior to conditioning the 3/8 mile test track with the Cracker-Blade.

- The Cracker-Blade System enables you to realize real savings exceeding its cost in the first season because it requires only 1/3 to 1/2 the normal track preparation hours, water, fuel, and equipment wear & tear.

- Additionally, ticket income and concession earnings will increase significantly as dust-intolerant fans return to enjoy awesome shows on dirt with cleaner air.

- Spring 2006, EIGHTY-ONE (81) Speedway, Park City, KA started relying upon the Cracker-Blade to prepare the 3/8 mile dirt oval track for their busy 3 race days weekly schedule. The World of Outlaws Sprint Series Wichita Twister Showdown on June 30th 2006 was an outstanding show. View our photos page to see the watering process and track's condition after the show.

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